The Official Reporter for The United States Department of Labor's Benefit Review Board
(Current Update: Release 521)
The Black Lung Reporter, developed with the cooperation of the Benefits Review Board and the Office of Administrative Law Judges of the Department of Labor, provides comprehensive coverage of Benefits Review Board actions in the area of employee compensation under the Black Lung Benefits Act, as amended. It also includes Circuit Court and Supreme Court cases under the Black Lung Benefits Act. This service furnishes the subscriber with the complete and authoritative text of Board opinions and decisions, and the text of their review in the federal court system. Of particular benefit to the Board, courts, and the black lung bar is that all Benefits Review Board opinions reported in the Black Lung Reporter may be officially cited (e.g., 25 BLR 1-_, 25 BLR 2-_, 25 BLR 3-_). Similarly, the administrative law judge decisions and orders may be cited. All opinions are extensively head noted and incorporated into a comprehensive digest organized to facilitate research.
Includes 5 Volumes: Vol. A (Rules, Regulations, Statutes, Tables and Forms), Vol. B (Desk Book), Vol. C (Bench Book), Vol. 25 (Cases & Decisions) and Vol. 26 (Cases & Decisions)
PLEASE NOTE – OWCP FORMS originally found on the CD-ROM is now available as a PDF to download along with the PDF (digital) BLACK LUNG REPORTER.
Price includes remainder of the current year of updates.
Author info coming soon...