This cutting-edge volume fully describes the bankruptcy law of the United States, and sets forth a comprehensive body of agreed-upon principles governing multinational insolvency cases in which the assets are located in one or more of the three NAFTA countries and offers practical approaches to managing such cases based on those principles. In part influenced by ALI’s Transnational Insolvency Project, all three of the NAFTA countries have reconsidered aspects of their bankruptcy laws during the life of the project. These changes are fully reflected in this timely and up-to-date volume.
Professor Jay Westbrook is the Benno C. Schmidt Chair of Business Law at the University of Texas School of Law. Professor Westbrook is one of the nation’s most distinguished scholars in the field of bankruptcy and a pioneer in empirical studies in this area. Professor Westbrook also teaches and writes on commercial law and international business transactions. He practiced in all these areas for more than a decade with Surrey & Morse (now part of Jones, Day) in Washington, D.C., where he was a partner, before joining the faculty in 1980. He serves as a consultant to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank and has also served as co-head of the United States delegation to the UN (UNCITRAL) conference on international insolvency.