JURIS Legal Information is a full-service legal publisher specializing in international and American law. We produce integrated reference works written by eminent authorities.
In the area of international law we focus on international business and investment, antitrust, litigation, public international law, banking and finance, insolvency, and intellectual property. Our Doing Business series and related publications cover business and investment in Asia, Latin America, Europe and Russia, and the CIS. Developed as research tools with a practical bent, our Doing Business products combine easy access to information with translations of hard-to-find primary source materials.
The JURIS domestic library includes a broad range of national topics such as antitrust, trial practice, deposition law, bankruptcy, franchising and distribution law, labor and employment, environmental, insurance, products liability and negligence. The JURIS domestic library also includes volumes on federal and state practice in Georgia, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. Our editorial board of experts combines academics and practitioners to ensure our publications address the needs of the legal community – including litigants, students of the law, judges, and particularly practicing lawyers in each practice area and jurisdiction.
To enhance our international and domestic publishing efforts, JURIS has formed cooperative relationships with some of the most prestigious institutes and universities in the world. Currently, we publish materials in cooperation with the Columbia University School of Law, the Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law at Columbia University, the American Law Institute, the Fordham University School of Law, the Fordham Corporate Law Institute, the Fordham International Intellectual Property Law and Policy Institute, the Stein Institute of Law and Ethics of Fordham, the Institute of Law and Financial Services of Fordham, and Duke University's Center for Slavic, Eurasian, and East European Studies.