Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea - Russia and the Republics Legal Materials - Second Series
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Originally from Russia and the Republics Legal Materials - Second Series
Preview Page The Parties to this Convention, the Caspian littoral States – the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation and Turkmenistan – hereinafter referred to as the Parties,
Based on the principles and norms of the Charter of the United Nations and international law,
Taking into account the atmosphere of cooperation, good-neighbourliness and mutual understanding among the Parties, Guided by the desire to deepen and expand good-neighbourly relations among the Parties,
Proceeding from the fact that the Caspian Sea is of vital importance to the Parties and that only they possess sovereign rights over the Caspian Sea and its resources,
Emphasizing that solving issues related to the Caspian Sea falls within the exclusive competence of the Parties,
Recognizing political, economic, social and cultural importance of the Caspian Sea,
Aware of their responsibility before the present and future generations for the preservation of the Caspian Sea and sustainable development of the region,
Convinced that this Convention will facilitate the development and strengthening of cooperation among the Parties, and promote the use of the Caspian Sea for peaceful purposes and rational management of its resources, as well as exploration, protection and conservation of its environment,
Seeking to create favorable conditions for the development of mutually beneficial economic cooperation in the Caspian Sea,
Taking into account changes and processes that have occurred in the Caspian Sea region at the geopolitical and national levels, the existing arrangements between the Parties and, in this regard, the need to strengthen the legal regime of the Caspian Sea,
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
For the purposes of this Convention, the following terms shall mean: “The Caspian Sea” – the body of water surrounded by the land territories of the Parties and outlined on the 1:750,000 scale nautical charts of the General Department of Navigation and Oceanography of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, No. 31003, archive edition of 17.04.1997 published in 1998; No. 31004, archive edition of 04.07.1998 published in 1999; No. 31005, archive edition of 16.11.1996 published in 1998, certified copies of which are attached to this Convention and form an integral part thereof.
“Baseline” – the line consisting of normal and straight baselines.
William E. Butler, Emeritus Professor of Comparative Law in the University of London, attached to University College London, is the John Edward Fowler Distinguished Professor of Law at the Dickinson School of Law, Pennsylvania State University, and Founder and Director of The Vinogradoff Institute.
An authority on the legal systems of Russia and former Soviet nations, he is the author, co-author, editor or translator of more than 3,500 books and articles on Russian, Soviet, Kazakhstan, Ukrainian, Uzbekistan, and other Commonwealth of Independent States legal systems. He has acted as Counsel to the EBRD, European Union, World Bank, United Nations, and Department for International Development of the United Kingdom on individual law reform projects.
The recipient of numerous honors for his service to Russian and international law, Professor Butler is Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Associate of the International Academy of Comparative Law, and Member of the Russian Academy of Legal Sciences. He has been elected to his fourth term as a member of the Russian International Court of Commercial Arbitration. In 2003 Professor Butler was awarded the G. I. Tunkin Medal by the Russian International Law Association.