Edict on Confirmation of the Conception of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation - Russia and the Republics Legal Materials - Second Series
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Originally from Russia and the Republics Legal Materials - Second Series
Preview Page For the purposes of actualization of priority orientations and tasks of the foreign policy activity of the Russian Federation, I decree:
1. To confirm the appended Conception of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation.
2. To deem to have lost force the Conception of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation, confirmed by the President of the Russian Federation, 12 February 2013, No. Пр-251.
3. The present Edict shall enter into force from the day of signature thereof.
Confirmed by Edict of the President of the Russian Federation 30 November 2016, No. 640
1. The present Conception represents the system of views on basic principles, priority orientations, purposes, and tasks of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation.
2. The legal foundation of the present Conception shall comprise the Constitution of the Russian Federation, generally-recognized principles and norms of international law, international treaties of the Russian Federation, federal laws, the Edict of the President of the Russian Federation of 7 May 2012, No. 605, “On Measures for the Realization of the Foreign Policy Course of the Russian Federation”, the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation, the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation, normative legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating the activity of federal agencies of State power in the sphere of foreign policy, and also other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation in this sphere.
William E. Butler, Emeritus Professor of Comparative Law in the University of London, attached to University College London, is the John Edward Fowler Distinguished Professor of Law at the Dickinson School of Law, Pennsylvania State University, and Founder and Director of The Vinogradoff Institute.
An authority on the legal systems of Russia and former Soviet nations, he is the author, co-author, editor or translator of more than 3,500 books and articles on Russian, Soviet, Kazakhstan, Ukrainian, Uzbekistan, and other Commonwealth of Independent States legal systems. He has acted as Counsel to the EBRD, European Union, World Bank, United Nations, and Department for International Development of the United Kingdom on individual law reform projects.
The recipient of numerous honors for his service to Russian and international law, Professor Butler is Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Associate of the International Academy of Comparative Law, and Member of the Russian Academy of Legal Sciences. He has been elected to his fourth term as a member of the Russian International Court of Commercial Arbitration. In 2003 Professor Butler was awarded the G. I. Tunkin Medal by the Russian International Law Association.