Family Code of the Russian Federation - Russian Federation - Russia and the Republics Legal Materials - Second Series
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Chapter 1. Family Legislation
Article 1. Basic Principles of Family Legislation
1. The family, motherhood, fatherhood, and childhood in the Russian Federation shall be under the defense of the State. Family legislation shall emanate from the necessity to strengthen the family, the structuring of family relations on feelings of mutual love and respect, mutual assistance, and responsibility to the family of all of its members, the inadmissibility of arbitrary interference of anyone in the affairs of the family, ensuring the unobstructed effectuation by members of a family of their rights and the possibility of judicial defense of these rights.
2. A marriage concluded only in agencies of registry of acts of civil status shall be recognized.
3. The regulation of family relations shall be effectuated in accordance with the principles of the voluntariness of the marriage union of man and woman, the equality of the rights of spouses in the family, the settlement of intrafamily questions by mutual consent, the priority of family nurturing of children, concerns for their well-being and development, ensuring the priority defense of the rights and interests of minor and members of the family lacking the capacity to labor.
4. Any forms of limitation of the rights of citizens when entering into marriage and in family relations according to indicia of social, racial, nationality, language, or religious affiliation shall be prohibited. The rights of citizens in the family may be limited only on the basis of a Federal law and only to the extent that this is necessary for the purpose of the defense of morality, health, and the rights and legal interests of other members of the family and other citizens.
William E. Butler, Emeritus Professor of Comparative Law in the University of London, attached to University College London, is the John Edward Fowler Distinguished Professor of Law at the Dickinson School of Law, Pennsylvania State University, and Founder and Director of The Vinogradoff Institute.
An authority on the legal systems of Russia and former Soviet nations, he is the author, co-author, editor or translator of more than 3,500 books and articles on Russian, Soviet, Kazakhstan, Ukrainian, Uzbekistan, and other Commonwealth of Independent States legal systems. He has acted as Counsel to the EBRD, European Union, World Bank, United Nations, and Department for International Development of the United Kingdom on individual law reform projects.
The recipient of numerous honors for his service to Russian and international law, Professor Butler is Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Associate of the International Academy of Comparative Law, and Member of the Russian Academy of Legal Sciences. He has been elected to his fourth term as a member of the Russian International Court of Commercial Arbitration. In 2003 Professor Butler was awarded the G. I. Tunkin Medal by the Russian International Law Association.