Originally from Russia and the Republics Legal Materials - Second Series
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The present Law shall determine the general legal, economic, and social
foundations of the creation of chambers of commerce and industry in the Russian
Federation, establish the organizational-legal forms and orientations of their
activity, and determine the principles of their mutual relations with the State.
Chapter I. General Provisions
Article 1. Concept of Chamber of Commerce and
1. A chamber of commerce and industry is a non-State noncommercial
organization combining Russian enterprises and Russian entrepreneurs [as
amended by Federal Law of 19 May 1995].
2. A chamber of commerce and industry may engage in entrepreneurial
activity only insofar as this is necessary in order to fulfill its charter tasks. The
profit received by it shall not be distributed among members of the chamber of
commerce and industry.
3. A chamber of commerce and industry shall not be a juridical person.
4. A chamber of commerce and industry shall be liable for its
obligations with all of the property belonging to it.
5. A chamber of commerce and industry shall not be liable for
obligations of its members, just as members of a chamber of commerce and
industry shall not be liable for its obligations.
6. A chamber of commerce and industry shall not be liable for
obligations of enterprises created by it, just as these enterprises shall not be
liable for obligations of the chamber of commerce and industry.
7. A chamber of commerce and industry in fulfilling the functions
provided by its charter shall operate within the framework of the Constitution
and laws of the Russian Federation.
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